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There was perhaps (book), 2017

"There Was Perhaps" is a poem that was born in English. It is a tribute to Odilon Redon's artwork, specifically "There Was Perhaps a First Vision Attempted in the Flower," plate 2 from 8 from "Les Origines" 1883. The lithography and poetics of this artist serve as a catalyst to enumerate 49 statements that incorporate the phrase "there was perhaps" in various ways. It pays homage to Odilon Redon, María Zambrano, William Blake, Roald Dahl, Shel Silverstein, Edward Gorey, and Carl Sagan.


The poem is composed of interchangeable statements and images that invite the reader to choose their own adventure between the light and darkness of what it means to be human.



"There was perhaps", es un poema que nació en inglés. Es un homenaje a Odilón Redón, There Was Perhaps a First Vision Attempted in the Flower, plate 2 from 8 from “Les Origines” 1883. La litografía y la poética de este artista, sirve como motor para enumerar 49 enunciados que incorporan de diversas maneras la frase, - there was perhaps -, es un homenaje a Odilón Redón, María Zambrano, William Blake, Roald Dahl, Shel Silvertein, Edward Gorey y a Carl Sagan.


Es un poema de enunciados e imágenes intercambiables que invita al lector a elegir su propia aventura entre la luz y la oscuridad de lo que implica ser humano.

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